Man’s best friend

As I lay here blogging entirely too early with two dogs (one snuggled tightly to my leg, other fuffy butt pressed against my pillow) I think to myself these little creatures really are man’s (in this case woman’s) bestfriends. And I began to ponder…why? Why were these beasts domesticated hundreds even thousands of years ago?

Oh I know history tells us it was to catch rats and keep the lower depths of castles clean of nasty pests; it was to assist in the herding of cattle; it was to be a protector; a trusting hunting companion to flush out and fetch game.

While all of that may be true, funny how old portraits often depict an owner and its most prized, trusted, and loved companion. The canine.

So we domesticated them for a purpose, let them live amongst us in our homes, and then we fell in love with them? Well it’s no wonder. They love and protect us, even with their own lives if necessary. They don’t talk back, disagree, complain, or challenge your opinions. They listen without comment. They respect. They admire. They’re not needy, they’re satisfied with the time and love you have for them, they are indeed grateful. They hide their own pain so as to make you feel safer, like they’re not faltering on their oath to protect you. Dogs are amazing! I love my yorkie and my min pin. They truly are my biggest fans. They are the best friends who will never truly understand what they mean to me and all they give to me each and every day. Shout out to Gwen and Bella, and a big Thanks. Loving me isnt always easy but you make it seem effortless.

If only all relationships in life could be this simple, this pure. But they can’t and they aren’t, and I guess we’d get bored without the challenge, abrasion and unpredictability that comes with human contact.

I do wish everyone could have that one friend you could have that kind of unguarded relationship with. No judgment, just love and understanding. No competition, no jealousy, no hidden agendas, no saying one thing and meaning another. Just the intellectual bond between two people, who while they may challenge, disagree, and from time to time even disappoint, but never dishonor. How wonderful a world this would be if every person had just one if these best friends. Someone with whom your heart was bound. It may be your wife, your childhood friend, your brother, sister or mother, your confidant, your partner or manager…just one person who truly understood you and had your back always, no ifs, ands or buts.

I know many of you readers will think ‘heck I have one of those’ but do you? Today we consider best friends too lightly. You hang out once in a while, call every now and again to ‘check in’, and they listen to you complain or boast, or you listen to them, but are they really your unconditional-stick by your side thru thick n thin-love you despite it all-put you above all else: best friend? If so, cheers, you are one lucky person!

So if you take anything from this post today take two things (1) love your pet through its eyes, and see him or her the way they see you and (2) be a better friend and demand more from those people you call friends. Your pet deserves it, and you deserve it. And if that means some housecleaning, well get the broom!!

